Raise your words, not voice. It is
rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
When someone beats a rug,
the blows are not against the rug,
but against the dust in it.
The wound is the place where the Light
enters you.
Where there is ruin, there is hope for
a treasure.
What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness
is your candle.
Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes
round in another form.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because
each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison
When the door is so wide open?
I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens.
I've been knocking from the inside.
And you? When will you begin that long
journey into yourself?
When you feel a peaceful
joy, that's when you are near truth.
Keep on knocking
'til the joy inside
opens a window
look to see who's there.
My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of
that, and I intend to end up there.
The universe and the light of the
stars come through me.
Silence is the language of
all else is poor translation.